Tuesday, 27 February 2018

School Councils & School Cash Online

Currently there are 2 options:

1)   Consolidating all of the school’s and school council’s online transactions through the school’s one school generated funds bank account:
§  Currently all school councils are welcome to post their items through the school’s school cash online account.  
§  The office secretary would be able to post the items on behalf of school council and provide detailed reports to the school council on how much is collected.
§  The office secretary can also help issue payments that correspond to those collections, and also benefit from HST rebates through the system (10.84% of the transactions). This way all inflows and outflows are tracked through one system, and the school council bank account will no longer be needed. Reconciliations will be done at the school level and parents will no longer have to do any record keeping or submit PSAB reports for the separate accounts at year end.
§  If the school council still wants to maintain their own bank account, then the school can also redirect proceeds to the school council via cheque payment.

2)   School Councils to utilize the school cash online for posting of items only while maintaining their own bank account:
-   The office secretary can post the items on behalf of school councils, but direct all inflows to the school council bank account. We will need a copy of the school council account’s void cheque to conduct a penny test for the funds transfer.
-   The office secretary would provide detailed reports to the school council on how much is collected.
-   The school council will issue the payments from their own bank account, and manage their own bank reconciliations and year end PSAB reporting. There will be no HST rebates earned by the school, if the payments are not processed through the school cash online system.

All school councils can utilize the school cash online system for posting and reporting purposes. However, this must be done through the school office. 

KEV Group does have a separate add-on module that can potentially allow parents and teachers to log on and pull the reports themselves. However, we have not yet considered this for roll out because of the high costs associated with this module, as well as privacy concerns with parents obtaining access to student information (name, classroom, grade, student #). We are reviewing parent feedback to determine whether it is worthwhile to purchase after some customization. We currently have about 350 schools on School cash online, and still have over 230 schools that have not yet implemented the system. So if we do purchase this module, it would be after full implementation in 2018-19.

Also, the online donation module is currently available to all schools regardless of whether they are on the system. Link to the site: https://tdsb.schoolcashonline.com/Fee/Details/457/153/false/true . Parent councils are welcome to advertise this link when fundraising for their school, so that the donors (anyone in the public) can donate and get a tax receipt for their donations immediately at check out.

If you have other questions, feel free to contact me directly. I would love to hear from the group and see how we can improve in this area.

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