Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Norseman JMS PRO Grant by Valerie Light

This December from 630-830, Norseman Junior Middle School hosted a successful screening of the documentary film entitled SCREENAGERS. The evening was a success in part due to the informative and realistic movie content and to the structure of the evening. The evening itself was made possible due to the PRO GRANT funding we received, which clearly outlined how and where the funds could be used. We wanted to make attending this event, as easy as possible for parents.  It was simple: register online and attend for free!  Pizza, clementines and baby-sitting (for students too young to view the film) were available and free for all.  
This event was visibly publicized by displaying posters throughout the school and in local community centers and shops. Additionally, as the students viewed this film at school, parents could easily discuss it and empower their children to make positive online choices.
After viewing the film, parents had a chance to discuss the content and suggested solutions contained in the film with other parents. As Delaney presented her experiences in a raw and vulnerable way, it facilitated an ease of discussion amongst parents. It connected our school community further, as concerted parents and also provided a hopeful way forward.  Parents were able to share their comments with the larger group, if they desired and they received a door prize for voicing their views.
Obtaining a PRO GRANT was a simple process of filling out an online form. When a question arose, I there was a number to call, with a live person at the other end who found the answer I required!
We are grateful this funding exists! Looking forward to the next PRO GRANT event!

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